Please do not let money be a barrier for your joining us at this retreat. We want you here to help us do this important work together.

For those who can afford the cost, our base price is $235.  (This is our average cost per participant for bringing in our leaders and paying for the facility and everyone's accommodations.) For those who have the means, we invite you to choose the "more than the base price" option to help make it possible for those who have fewer available resources.

If money is the reason you might not come, PLEASE choose the “Pay What You Can” option. We have it in or resources to extend this opportunity.  We want you here to help us do this important work together.  

Here are your registration options:

  • Option 1: Choose the base registration fee of $235. (This is the average cost per participant for bringing in our leaders and paying for the facility and everyone's accommodations.)

  • Option 2: Pay What You Can (Write in the amount you can afford at the time of registration. We realize the base registration fee is beyond what many can afford. If money is the reason, you might not attend, PLEASE “Pay What You Can” and join us. Whatever you pay will be held in confidence.

  • Option 3: Choose a price beyond the base registration fee. For example, if you are able to pay $65 more than the Base cost of the retreat, enter $300 ($235 + $65). Doing so allows us to welcome those with fewer financial resources and allow us to create even more dynamic programming in the future for our Illuman region.

Suggested Amounts


RegFox Event Registration Software